Thursday, 28 September, 2023
12 pm BST
How AI is reshaping Banking
AI in Banking: What does the future hold in terms of opportunities and risks
In Partnership with

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic this year, with innovative tools such as ChatGPT, and Bard capturing public imagination. As Banking professionals, it's essential to consider how we can use innovative technologies to transform. The banks of the future will need to integrate disruptive technologies powered by AI, to meet business priorities, outpace competition and achieve growth.
According to a survey by The Economist Intelligence Unit[MB1] *, 77% of bankers believe that the ability to unlock the value of AI will be the difference between the success, or failure of banks.
Our host and guest speakers, which include subject matter experts and banking thought leaders, will address the following:
Where should investment be focused? What innovative applications are available and why do financial institutions need to accelerate their use?
What are the barriers to adoption?
What is the impact of using AI in back-office functions such as Finance and HR?
How will AI enhance the user experience?
Is the use of AI likely to be regulated? What are the main ethical considerations?