Why attend
Banks of the future will have embraced Open Banking as a broader industry move towards Open APIs, Open Data, and Open Platforms. They will have a clear vision for the role that they want to play in these new ecosystems, and will have considered what Open Banking means to their business across a range of dimensions.
The key take-aways
CULTURE | What changes in culture will Open Banking demand from banks?
RISK | Does Open Banking change how banks need to think about, and manage, risk?
DATA | What does Open Banking mean for how banks get value from data?
And Much More

The webinar panel
Click to view full speaker details

This webinar is in partnership with
As a leading UK provider of management consultancy to the financial services industry, we bring deep domain knowledge, expertise and focus to every client engagement. We specialise in Risk, Regulatory and Finance change as well as in Operations and Technology transformation.
We help clients change the way they think and approach their business so that they can comply, compete, and lead in today's Open Banking environment. Proven experts in the field, our speed and agility enables us to take big ideas and quickly turn them into new propositions for the mass market.
We are also an employee-owned management consultancy committed to delivering excellence in everything we do. It’s a unique position to be in and one that inspires us all to work to the highest standards because OUR business depends on it.