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Today's Webinar: Assessing the Impact of TRACE on the Financial Industry

Join us at 12pm BST (1pm Central European Time) today when we bring together Tax Reporting and TRACE experts Philippe Sebagh (Societe Generale), Panu Kettunen (SEB), Katja Pussila (Finnish Tax Administration), Antti Leppänen (KPMG Finland), Rémi Grossmann (BearingPoint) and Jean Kizito (KPMG Luxembourg) for a webinar discussion that will examine:

  • TRACE mechanism

  • Documentation, withholding and reporting obligations under TRACE

  • Best practices and lessons learned from dealing with the Finnish Tax Authorities

  • How TRACE differs the US Qualified Intermediary regime

  • KPMG’s Finnish and international tax expertise

  • BearingPoint’s tax reporting solutions for TRACE

It should be an insightful 60 minutes with various perspectives to ensure a comprehensive discussion and we will reserve time for audience questions.

WEBINAR: TRACE - Assessing the Impact on the Financial Industry

AIRING: Tuesday, 2 June 2020 - 12pm BST | 1pm CET | 2pm Finland

Can't attend the live broadcast? Register free anyway to get access to the on-demand post event recording and watch back at your convenience.



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