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Sponsor Announcement: Nanopay - 2nd Edition Automation & Real-Time Treasury

Banks need to accept the fundamental change to current #liquidity management & #funding landscape. In the world of instant #payments, rise of challenger banks and treasurers benefiting from emerging technologies to manage assets in real-time, #realtimetreasury transformation should be adopted as a strategic step, a viable revenue generation opportunity rather that a compliance burden.

After a very successful gathering in 2019 we are back in London, 3-4 June 2020 for Connect Global Group's "2nd Edition Automation and Real Time Treasury" #ConnectART

We are super pleased to welcome back nanopay Corporation as sponsors on the forum. After a highly engaging involvement last year this is a great opportunity for our delegate group to hear from one of the real game changers in the industry.

nanopay Corporation is a global payments technology company offering payment and liquidity management products for businesses and banks. The platform is built on a next-generation, Centralized Ledger Technology (CLT) that improves throughput, simplifies governance, and reduces cost. nanopay is privately funded, led by the Merchant Banking Division of Goldman Sachs with the long-term goal to lead the world's transition to digital cash.

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